creative director / writer / roller coaster namer
heinz - hum 45 (super bowl 2014)


For the first time in 16 years, Heinz decided to advertise. Big. Like, Super Bowl big. So all 4 of C-K's offices were called upon to submit campaign ideas. Nearly 300 scripts later, this is where we netted out: With a joyful execution set to a song anyone who ever went to kindergarten would know. But even before the spot aired, we posted a halftime score update on Twitter that got Heinz some attention. Directed at the Broncos, the caption read "Time to play ketchup." In the end BuzzFeed ranked it the 3rd most memorable tweet of the game.

Following the success of the Super Bowl, Heinz awarded us all of the Heinz Ketchup digital business. This included the redesign of their entire website and the development of custom social content. Here's a sample of some of our most successful Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts, plus a short video of yours truly navigating the new website.